How to Get Your Mailbox Ready for Massive Cold Outreach

  1. Overview
  2. Email marketing tips
  3. How to Get Your Mailbox Ready for Massive Cold Outreach

Are you excited about launching a new business and can't wait to start sending your offers to potential clients? Even if you can create the most engaging and valuable email copy and have a couple of ideas of how to generate leads, there's still something you need to know.  

This comprehensive guide can help you build online reputation and grow email deliverability on the way to your first sales. 

Table of Contents:

Preparing a Domain for Cold Outreach 

A successful cold outreach starts with a domain name – an address with your company's website. This name will appear in your email address, and best if after the @ sign.

So, at this point, you need a domain that will represent your brand to potential customers. And since this step is essential for your brand identity, it also impacts your domain reputation.  

There are four ways to get a domain name. You can buy a new domain or a second-hand one. Also, you can use the current name (spoiler: don't do that) or get something similar to it. Let's take a look at each option.

Register a Brand New Domain

If you register a new company, the first idea would probably be using its website name in your emails. And that's correct. 

However, creating a catchy and unique brand name isn't easy. You might spend hours crafting it and then find out that someone already uses it. So, allow enough time to let your imagination and technical opportunities meet.

Choose a domain extension

The next step is easy to do, but it significantly impacts your brand reputation. Now you need to choose the extension for your website. 

Extensions are top-level domains, so users call them TLDs too. The good old ".com" is still the best option for businesses and cold emailing, but you can consider other alternatives. 

There are three extension types, but you need the generic one. That's because sponsored and two-letter country-code TLDs are for certified organizations and companies that need or want to mention their location. 

Generic top-level domains fall into several categories depending on the nature of businesses. And though this approach isn't as strict as it was before, some principles still apply. 

  • .com – "commercial." Every second website possesses this extension for its main domain, and it remains the most trusted. If your brand name is still available, don't hesitate to choose this TLD.
  • .net – "network." Initially meant for companies using the network, this extension became as usable as the previous one. Especially when ".com" has become a scarce resource.
  • .co –"company/corporation." This alternative takes you closer to the desired ".com" option. So, sending cold emailsfrom this address will help potential customers understand that you most probably run an online business.
  • .io – "Indian Ocean" or British Indian Ocean Territory. Though this extension was aimed at certain territories, users associate this TLD with startups and technology-related firms. If your business belongs to these categories or, for example, you launch a gaming company, choose ".io."

Purchase a Similar Domain

Using a new domain for cold campaigns is okay, but there's a more forward-looking option – registering a similar one. And there are reasons behind it.

  • The sender reputation of the new email account won't affect the existing and, probably, trusted domain. Even when you do everything right, spam filters can one day consider your messages a threat. 
  • You can better monitor replies to your outbound emails. Noticing a response from a prospect is crucial as it may trigger a totally different email sequence or stop the follow-up series. 
  • You won't overload the primary inbox. This way, emails related to cold email outreach don't mix with other messages, and sales reps don't have to search for them.

So, if your brand is new, register two domains. If you want to launch a new cold email campaign for an existing company, register a separate domain for it. But both should include your brand name so that prospects can associate them. 

The one for marketing purposes can slightly differ: have a prefix like "get" or "use," affix like "app," or possess another extension. But remember to set the redirection to the main website. So once a user decides to visit the "subdomain's" web page, he lands at your home page.  

Use the Existing Domain or Buy a Second-Hand One

The existing domain can belong to you or someone else. We've mentioned above why using your main domain for cold emails isn't a good idea. But what about second-hand domains? Is it okay to use them after someone?  

That depends on their domain reputation because that's what email providers monitor. Still, there's no unique sender score to estimate that reputation because each mail server does its own assessment. And that's logical as you don't send the same cold emails to every recipient.

So, if someone owns the name you need, and it's now for sale, check its status. Many tools can do this, including free ones. They assess the overall reputation of a domain and check if it appears on any blacklist. 

About Blacklists 

When we started talking about blacklisting, you may wonder why a domain for cold email outreach ever gets on a blacklist. There are several reasons for that. But first, let's look at how cold emailing works.

After you send emails, they arrive at the recipient's internet service provider (ISP). This ISP checks them against specific settings (see the next section) and checks if they appear on some blacklists (si you can quickly remove domain from blacklist)

Then the email service provider (ESP) does the same. Each ISP and ESP has its own spam flags and multiple criteria for fraudulent content detection. However, some of the common spam triggers are:

  • unexpectedly high volumes of cold emails;
  • many spam complaints;
  • unhealthy contact list;
  • impersonal messages. 

We'll cover these issues through the article, so read on!

Are Paid Email Accounts Better Than Free Ones?

Yes, they are. Custom emails are associated with business because they refer to your web page. So, recipients trust emails with corporate domains, and this helps build the company's reputation. 

There's another recommendation to make your cold outreach even more credible. It's the approach to putting names to the before-domain part. 

It would be great if you stick to the classical FirstName.LastName formula because it's a standard of the largest and respected corporations. That's because it is straightforward and informative. And you won't have to craft the address for every new teammate. 

You'll find more about building a sender profile in this article, so keep reading!

Must-Have Settings for Your Cold Emailing Campaigns

In this section, you'll learn how to prove to email servers your identity and protect your cold outreach from forged emails. 

Hackers can "steal" your cold emailing message and replace its content with theirs. If your audience follows links, clicks buttons, or opens attachments of such emails, they can lose their sensitive data. And consequently –– trust in your brand. 

Such a breach can make it impossible to prevent emails from going to spam. Or even worse – your email domain can be blacklisted. 

So, with several DNS set-ups, you'll protect your sender reputation and keep your potential customers' data secured. 

About DNS Settings  

DNS stands for the Domain Names System. It consists of multiple DNS servers and keeps the information about every existing domain. So, when you register a new domain, you need to provide information to DNS. 

However, users can't add data to DNS directly because DNS is under the control of the non-profit ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

But ICANN doesn't work with end-users either. Instead, it accredits organizations to sell domains (registrars) and keep records about them (registries). Registries maintain data about each top-level domain: its IP location, name, etc.

Registrars often contract resellers to deliver domain registration services. We know resellers as website hosting companies that help us register a new domain. Such companies also offer related services like web hosting or providing email boxes. 

DNS (Resource) Records

The information within the DNS database is stored in so-called resource records (RR). These are strings with three columns: field name, description, and length. The system replies to queries of email verification tools with the set of RRs. 

You need to have several of them set correctly for cold emailing purposes. 

A Record

An A (Address) Record matches your domain name (understandable for humans) with its IP address (used by machines). As a user enters your web address to the browser, this browser checks the nearest DNS server for its IP.

Basically, it checks the A Record for this domain. And if it finds the record, your website opens. But if this DNS server doesn't have the data, it only returns the address on another DNS server. So, the browser will have to ask again. 

This record also helps to block messages from blacklisted domains through DNSBL (Domain Name System-based Blackhole List). 

CNAME Record

A Canonical Name Record redirects all alias web addresses to the main one. It creates aliases from, for example, to Or from to

CNAME works similar to the A Record, but it refers to the name of another domain. So you'll never see it mentioning an IP address of a website. However, the system will let you know once there's a syntax error. 

Having a CNAME Record is helpful in case you change the IP address because then you'll only have to change the A record. And leave all the redirection settings as they are. 

MX Record

The Mail Exchange record identifies which email server should accept emails on behalf of your domain. Technically, this record identifies the root for transferring incoming emails through SMTP protocol. So, this record is crucial for email receipt. 

Except for the mail server, the MX record has another parameter – priority. If mail providers have several servers to process emails, the system will use the higher priority server more frequently. This way, they can control the load.   

If you have a cloud email service, your MX record will include its IP or several IPs. Corporations with their own mail servers will have their IP addresses stated in the MX record. 

SPF Record 

SPF stands for the Sender Policy Framework. In the SPF TXT Record, you list all the IP addresses that can send emails on behalf of your domain. For example, you can send newsletters from both and

When an email arrives at the receiving mail server, the system reads its SPF record to see if, for example, the can send messages on your behalf. It is necessary to create SPF record when you use an email automation tool or several tools that regularly send your messages and to prevent spoofing attacks.

DKIM Record

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) helps to keep your messages unchanged while transitioning between mail servers. This becomes possible because DKIM uses a private key to sign your message when sending it. 

It also leaves a public key to help the receiving server open and check your email. The public key is accessible in DNS records, but it's not the open version of the same key.

The two keys actually represent the two parts of one digital key – a key pair, and one doesn't work with the other. And you can generate both of them. 

The DKIM record, like SPF, also prevents email spoofing and becomes another security layer of your messages. 

DMARC Record

DMARC stands for the Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance. This record works together with the SPF and DKIM, and it says what to do with messages that fail identification. 

According to your DMARC instructions, the receiving server can deliver such a message, reject it, or quarantine it. Quarantining means treating messages that fail SPF and DKIM tests as potential spam. Rejecting means marking such emails as spam immediately.  

If you don't have a DMARC record, the server will process invalid messages as per its internal procedures and requirements.   

Building a Credible Sender Profile Before Sending the First Cold Emails

Now let's think of your credibility from your cold email readers' perspective. Why should they buy from you? How can they learn more about your brand, and how can you motivate them to do it? 

This section will tell you how to improve your social and corporate image and make prospects love you.

Email Address

The name in your email address is the first thing a potential client sees in the inbox. So, the first impression should be at least neutral. Your first and last names are ideal for showing your professionalism and business intent.

Moreover, the prospect will see that you don't hide behind Jane, Meg. O, or "sales." Full-name email addresses make messages more personal and show that you respect and value the recipient. This is especially important in cold outreach when readers don't know you. 

Adding your profile picture to the account is a good idea, so the recipient can see who knocks on his door. This picture should be real and best if taken from your LinkedIn personal account. (I'll explain why a bit later).

Email Signature 

Often, users will look at your email signature earlier than they read its first line. That's because they want to learn who is trying to reach them and decide if they should give you a chance.

So, fine-tune your email signature. For brand identification, it would be great to design one. It'll help recipients associate you and your company with the logo. And if they like the design, they'll at least start reading your email. 

The cozy logo together with your image would be ideal, but the informative part of your signature is as important as the visual. 

Social Media Buttons 

Obviously, you should add your full name, role in the company, mobile or direct number, and the website. But another must-have is the button to your social media account. And don't forget to make sure it works. 

However, you shouldn't refer to the whole bunch of accounts. You need only a few relevant ones, but the first should be your LinkedIn profile. 

The other links will depend on your industry: artists can add Instagram pages, and developers can refer to smaller industry-specific networks. The only rule is to refer to your personal pages, not the company's accounts.

Why? Because people want to see who you are, and they definitely know how to switch to your business profile. So don't be pushy and stay open. 

Update Your Social Media Accounts

Since social networks are the first resource where people learn and verify information, make your accounts shine. You'll need to update both personal and corporate ones.

Complete your education, professional background, and define interests. If you have less than 500 connections, use the email domain warmup time for growing your LinkedIn network. Make sure to mention your current place of work and position.

Also, set a recent photo where you look professional, credible, and nice. Ask your former colleagues, partners, or customers to write testimonials on your page. 

If your company is new and there are no happy clients yet, ask users to give feedback about your professionalism and readiness to help, for example. 

Monitor Activity on Your Page 

One of the main challenges for your business page is to keep it fresh with regular posts and keep questions answered.

What do you feel when you visit a company's Meta page and see that the last post was a month ago? And what if a couple of questions about the product remained unanswered since last week?

You probably think that it doesn't care about its customers and its brand's image, and you are right. So, keep an eye on all of your corporate accounts. And there are a lot of automation tools to help you with it. 

There's a huge benefit in social media – happy customers leave comments, like, share, and recommend your page. However, if your service is poor, hundreds of people can learn about it in minutes.

Why Is Personal Profile Important? 

Every company has people behind it. Of course, your business page should also shine and clearly state the value proposition. But, in the end, your customers will communicate with you.

So, they want to see who manages the company, what kind of person this is, and how successful he or she is. 

And this principle works both ways – even if your cold campaign targets B2B companies, you need to address people, not businesses. 

Make Your Website Shine

After they see your social media page, some prospects will visit your website, and others will do it before. Either way, potential customers will go to the website, and they expect it to be similar to the domain in your email.

That's why make sure to do the redirection from all subdomains to the main domain. They won’t trust you once they get to an error or black page.

And don't forget about customer service. Every timely and helpful answer to a user's question makes him feel valuable. So incorporate chatbots to grow conversions.

Keep It Mobile-Optimized 

In the era of mobile-first experience, optimizing your website for smartphones and tablets is a priority. Your web page has to be well-designed and offer an exceptional user experience.

Check that there are no images overlapping text and that the text size automatically fits the screen. No one will bother enlarging and shifting the paragraphs to read them. 

All the sections, links, and buttons should work correctly. Users should be able to easily find the contact form once they want to get in touch.

Make Clear CTAs  

CTAs or call-to-action buttons have to be visible, accessible, and straightforward. Choose the contrast color of the button, allow some space around it, and make letters on it readable. 

However, leave a blinking text or neon background aside because users associate such a design with spam. You can make A/B tests to see which colors work best for your visitors.

Don't confuse users with multiple CTAs. The phrases on the buttons may differ, but they should motivate the same – purchase. 

Craft the CTA wording to make it catchy and clear. After clicking it, potential buyers need to see what they get, so keep it simple and show the value. 

Add Testimonials 

Why should people trust your product or service if they first hear about it from your cold email campaign? Of course, they would love to see what your current clients say.

That's why you need to add at least three testimonials from the companies or people who bought from you. 

The only issue here is that you need to ask for feedback and permission to make it public because even the happiest clients won't find five minutes to do this until you ask for it.  

Join Relevant Groups and Be Active on Social Media

Though this advice may seem irrelevant at first, it can still be part of your cold email outreach strategy. And it can help you in two ways.

When you join conversations related to your product, service, or industry, you get noticed by your target audience. Some people need tips on starting the same business; others want to hear a professional opinion about similar products.

If you know answers, why not give them and grow your network this way? Moreover, some of these users will probably get to your contact base. So once they get your cold emailing messages, you won't be new to them.

Showing your expertise helps to gain authority. It will help build trust in your products or services and motivate your cold outreach recipients to look at your offer.

Now let's see how to prepare your email account for sending your offers to potential clients. 

Doing the Right Warmup for Your Cold Email Campaign

If you have a new domain or new email accounts with this domain, you have to warm up those addresses. This means you need to increase sending limits to your daily target volume before you start sending emails. 

When you send 500 emails from a newly-registered account, they'll end up in a spam folder. This will happen because that's exactly what spammers do – register email addresses and bombard users with junk. 

There are plenty of decent instruments to help you arrive at the required daily volume of emails. And let's find out can you do it without automation tools? Let's find out!

Set Target Volume

So you need to assure email service providers that you're a legit sender. Remember that each of them has different algorithms to assess your sender reputation. 

Your task is to set the daily target volume and allow 8-12 weeks for warming-up activities. The exact term will depend on the rules of your provider, but on average, it takes 2-3 months. So you'll need some patience.

You also need to check your email provider’s maximum daily sending limits – to never exceed them. For example, Google Workspace allows sending 2,000 cold emails, while Office365 boasts an incredible 10,000 messages per day.

Create an Email List

Every first outbound email ideally needs to land in a recipient's inbox. And you'll have to treat it as a baby since it directly impacts your reputation. So, there are several recommendations you need to follow.

First, add addresses of all email providers (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.) that your email campaign will reach. You'll let them all know your domain and prove that they can trust it.

You should be in touch with those recipients, so it would be great to ask your friends, relatives, or former colleagues to help you at this point. 

You can also register several inboxes with the main email provider to help your warmup email campaign grow trust. This is necessary because you need to monitor opening your messages and following links. This way, your open and click-through rates will grow little by little. 

Don't Send It to Contact Lists

During the warm-up, you shouldn't use the email addresses of potential customers or existing clients. That’s because you're only trying to "make friends" with email providers and need every email to be opened, read, and marked as important. Prospects will hardly understand if you ask them to do so. 

Neither should you send emails to unknown addresses, for example, those from your subscription lists, because such lists can be "unhealthy." Or, in other words, include non-existing inboxes due to spambots. You probably have spam traps (fields invisible to humans) on your sign-up forms to stop spam sign ups

However, if you skip the double opt-in or don't use any email validation system, this list can include old addresses with full inboxes or emails with typos. And for you, each bounce message (or non-delivery report) is a risk of getting a spam mark. 

Start Little by Little

Now finally, onto warming up. Start with 3-5 emails per day, and in a few days, you can try 5-10. Contact each user to explain what he or she needs to do: open your "trial" cold email, follow the link, and reply. 

If one of your recipients doesn't get the message, it must have landed in the spam. Then you need to ask such a user to check the junk folder and mark your email as not spam. Moreover, it would be great to tag it as important.

Keep the record of each case to see how metrics change. This will let you know if your sender score grows. 

The Content of Warmup Emails 

If you think to make the life of your "fake" audience easier with empty emails including just one link and "test" as a subject line, don't make this mistake. 

Your online reputation depends on the relevance of your content too. So, try to make those messages short but relevant. And ask questions to let your readers answer them. Or if they ask you, send your replies too.  

To make the process look more natural, try sending follow-ups and making appointments. A couple of jokes can be OK, but keep the content relevant. 

Avoid Spam Triggers 

We'll talk about spam triggers in your cold outreach in the next section. But those principles apply to warming emails too. 

So, avoid spam words and punctuation; don't use too many gifs and images. Don't send attachments at this point, and include only one link to a secured web page (starting with HTTPS). Especially beware with making statements about urgency or making win-win offers that look manipulative. 

The same, of course, is true for subject lines. And, for God's sake, always keep subjects relevant to the email content! That's because senders using misleading email subject lines don't follow the CAN-SPAM Act (read more about it in the next section).

Follow the Schedule

Consistent sending of warmup messages is one of the key elements to prepare your domain for cold email campaigns. 

At this stage, it doesn't matter when you send emails; the vital principle is to do that regularly. This means on the same days and within similar time frames.

Please note that unexpected changes in sending habits (like growing volumes or changing time) may seem suspicious to every email validation system. So, if you have an idea of the future sending schedule, try following it.

Challenges of Manual Warming Up

After a couple of weeks, you'll need to grow your daily email volume to something around 50. 

And if finding and monitoring the activity of 15 recipients isn't a complex task to accomplish, 50 will be an issue. Moreover, you have to focus on many other things. 

Probably earlier, you wanted to save a little and decided to warm up the new domain manually. And it probably was worth it. But as the volume grows, finding an email warmup tool is a suitable solution.  

How Automation Tools Warm Up Your Email Address

The advantage of email warmup platforms is that they work quickly, effectively, and at scale. And let you stay focused on other business tasks. 

Warmup tools manage hundreds of email accounts hosted by popular providers, ensuring the required engagement. They automate sending, generate content, and send thoughtful answers emulating human behavior. 

It's probably worth warming up your new domain for email outreach with AI-powered tools. This will help you use your time more effectively in the future because you shouldn't stop the warming campaign after sending your first email.  

You've done a lot of work by now, and there are only a couple of things left to do: collect lead contacts and craft the email. Read about this in the following section.

Launch Cold Email

So, your new domain is ready for cold emailing, and you have built a trustful sender reputation. You keep your website updated and optimized and monitor and communicate on social media. 

Now it's time to complete the most critical tasks: collecting contacts and creating converting copies. 

Collecting Leads 

You must have thought over your ideal customer, and now it's time to use that profile. The most popular and effective source for relevant business contacts is LinkedIn. However, there are some restrictions. 

Increased Privacy 

In the era of increased privacy, you won't be able to know LinkedIn users’ interests easily. At least, knowing this isn't that straightforward.

Though importing emails of the connected contacts into an Excel or CSV file is possible, many of your potential leads aren't among your LinkedIn "friends." 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator and other tools like Google's Swordfish extension allow you to extract emails of profiles. Many users, by the way, don't mind if others see their emails.

But the main challenge is to identify the account owners who may get interested in your product or service. And here's a decent way that can help cold emailers find the right audience – method of entity embedding. 

Entity Embeddings Method 

If there's no possibility to track users' personal activity data, you can get it from open sources. This is possible if you analyze the user's likes, comments, posts, and groups that he or she joins. 

But how many profiles can one person find a day? Probably, no more than 20. That's why it's vital to find the right automation tool for your cold email outreach. It should use AI to analyze users' activities with the entity embeddings method across multiple platforms. 

However, a direct search of contacts isn't the only function of this method. It can also analyze the content interesting for your target audience. Then the algorithms find similar posts on the influencers' pages and add their subscribers to your database.   

This way, AI-powered tools can generate hundreds of leads within hours. 

Audience Segmentation 

There's one more thing which Artificial Intelligence can help you do – segment your audience. Software will do deep analysis and deliver data-driven results quickly and effectively. 

Algorithms will detect specific triggers and group users based on them. For example, you are an outsourcing provider of IT-related specialists. And these two companies are currently looking for a Python developer. (You learned this from their recent posts on LinkedIn). You should make your offer around this information.  

Still, you need to send emails based on this segmentation within a couple of days. Otherwise, you will only waste your time and resources instead of offering a timely solution and getting a new client.  

Third-Party Databases 

There's a great temptation in purchasing email databases from third parties. Of course, they promise to give you a list of relevant leads who will be happy to buy from you. 

But in reality, such databases are dangerous and can put at risk your cold outreach. You can't check which ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) in mind that list was aggregated. And what if you unexpectedly offer services to your competitor?

Did this provider use legit ways to collect personal data? How old is that database? Wasn't it compiled from several ones to meet the quantity criteria? How healthy is this list?

You'll never know the truth about the quality of this lead research. And in the future, your effort to save time and probably money may turn into a damaged reputation. 

Keep Contact Lists Healthy

Even if you used top tools to collect the most relevant contacts, you need to keep this list full of current and correct addresses. And there are several reasons for that:

  • It can include non-existing addresses. Sending messages to old, fake, temporary, or miswritten emails will result in bounce (non-delivery) messages. And they are red flags for spam filters, so your domain for cold outreach can be blacklisted.
  • It can contain contacts who never agreed to get promo emails. In other words, their data was stolen, so your offer can make them angry. And they will be happy to take revenge by moving your messages to the junk folder. Which is another bad sign for spam-detection algorithms.
  • It can have addresses of people to whom your offer will be completely irrelevant. And the best thing those people can do is unsubscribe or delete it. But, unfortunately, they often mark it as spam because that's the quickest option. A simple click will help them never see your emails again. But for you, every such click will mean a risky step back and a decrease in deliverability.
  • It can include addresses to whom you already sent emails. That will seem pretty weird to receive the same email two or three times. And what if there's a whole series of messages? So, it's crucial to check such minor errors that can have significant consequences.  

Crafting Content for Effective Cold Emails 

Now it's time to create cold email templates. And, except for creativity, several tips will help your messages be relevant, engaging, valuable, timely, and free of spam triggers. 


Personalization adds a human touch to your offer and makes your reader feel more valued. Nowadays, a cold outreachemail starting with "Dear Sir/Madam" looks strange. And that's reasonable because it's a shame to have impersonal greetings in 2021. 

With so many tools that help digital marketers, calling your recipient by the name and mentioning his or her company is the minimum you can do. 

Personal emails are also beneficial for your domain reputation. Every email is different, which doesn't give a chance to classify them as mass spam. 

However, you always need to double-check names. Sometimes users interchange their first and last names, or they can be miswritten for some reason. And reading "Hi Carpenter" instead of John or seeing a mistake in your name can be frustrating. 

Don't Use Spam Trigger Words in Subject Lines

The list of words that filters consider spammy grows every year. You may be surprised that spam detectors classify "Act now," "Exclusive deal," "Urgent," and hundreds of other phrases as spam content. 

So please take a look at lists of spam trigger words and avoid them in your subject line. Below you'll find several more requirements for your emails.

Mind the CAN-SPAM Act  Requirements

The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act has seven main requirements for cold emailing:

  • Header information about the sender, recipient, and domain name must be valid and accurate.
  • Your subject line should refer to the email content.
  • You have to notify the reader that your message is an ad.
  • You need to state your physical address (street address, POB, or private mailbox).
  • Provide recipients with an option to unsubscribe from your emails.
  • Don't ask recipients to pay or give you any personal information to complete the opting-out procedure.
  • If you hire some company for sending emails on your behalf, you're responsible for the messages it sends too. 

Be Consistent

Follow the Data Privacy Regulations

The GDPR applies if you send marketing emails to people based in Europe. You have to keep their personal data private and secure as per these requirements. 

However, to send cold messages to EU citizens or employees of EU-based companies, you'll need to:

  • Have a reason to say that your product or service can benefit your prospects.
  • Be able to explain how your and your prospect's businesses interconnect.
  • Describe how you process your prospect's data and for what reasons you need their information. Also, you need to let them know how they can change or remove that data from your files.
  • Keep your prospects' personal information for as long as it's necessary. Though terms aren't specified, you probably should delete emails of inactive users. 

You should also comply with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) if you have California-based prospects. It gives California citizens the right to ask how companies collect, process, and use their data. They also can ask to delete their personal information or stop selling it. 

Summing Up Your Cold Email Outreach Strategy

Before launching your first cold email campaign, you need to register two domains. One will be your core domain (website address), while the other will serve outreach purposes. 

Then you'll have to do several technical setups for mail servers. You also should find the right email warmup service and start to grow the sending limits of your account.

It'll take around 2-3 months to get your mailbox ready for a cold campaign, and you can use this time to build your online reputation on social media.

Along with that, you can start lead generation, create personalized and catchy copy, and choose the email sending service. 

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